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dig over中文是什么意思

用"dig over"造句"dig over"怎么读"dig over" in a sentence


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  • And start digging over there in between
  • And start digging over there in between
  • We must dig over the vegetable garden to grow this new improved strain of vegetable
  • With the development of automobile industry and road transportation , the traffic accidents happen every day in the world and become a serious society problem the vehicle collision accidents are over 2 / 3 times as much as all traffic accidents they cause a large amount of social infuence and serious economic loss therefore , it is urgent to study vehicle collision accidents comprehensively and systematically , and the research also is the academic foundation to analyze and deal with traffic accident it is difficult to authenticate car velocity after traffic accident to dig over locate witness is right way mechanics is avaid tool in this field it is important to establish math model and this is precondition to calculate vehicle velocity firstly on the basis of summarizing the research results , this paper deeply discusses the calculating model to analyze the instantaneous motion state in the vehicle collision , the interrelation among the every moving mechanics parameters in the every phase of the collision secondly , according to the collinear collision and two - dimension collision and the restitution coefficient , the paper estabishesthe post collision movement models it proves that these models are correct and valid thirdly , this paper try to research reconstruction of road traffic accident and put forward the method on it
用"dig over"造句  


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